Disneyland Souvenir Children's Toy Block Set by Halsam (1964) - ID: jul22528

Disneyland Souvenir Children's Toy Block Set by Halsam (1964) - ID: jul22528 Disneyana


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Price: $50.00
SKU: jul22528

A souvenir set of Disneyland toy blocks. Featuring a variety of colorful blocks with depictions of many beloved Disney characters, the set is in its original box. The set was created by Halsam in 1964 and still contains 15 pieces. Measuring 9"x5.75" and 2" thick in the box, the set is in good used condition with significant wear and tattering to the box which is taped together in several areas. The set has two Mickeys, and two Snow Whites and is missing some characters seen in other iterations of this set.

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