1954 Walt Disney Studios Christmas Card Front Cover Printing Transpareny - ID: mardisney22083

1954 Walt Disney Studios Christmas Card Front Cover Printing Transpareny - ID: mardisney22083 Walt Disney


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Price: $150.00
SKU: mardisney22083

A printing transparency from the 1954 Walt Disney Studios Christmas card. The imagery on the transparency was used as the card's front cover. Featuring Mickey Mouse, Donald, Donald's Nephews, and Pluto reading books in front of a television screen indicative of the era, the transparency was used in the printing process in order to test and verify the final color printing on the cards. Measuring 8"x10" overall, with the character image measuring 7"x7.25", the transparency is in fine condition. The second image is a reference image of the final cover for the card that the transparency was used to create. The printed cover image is shown for reference only and is not included with the transparency.

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